We need your, help


Explore Kallie’s inspiring journey of strength and resilience. Your support isn’t just changing Kallie’s life; it’s impacting an entire family.

Join us in aiding Kallie’s recovery and his family.




Kallie’s Story

Kallie is a devoted family man and a dedicated safety officer at Waterval Smelter, he has always been full of energy and passion. He shares his life with his loving wife, Sunet, and their two boys, JJ and Darius, whom he proudly supports in their sporting endeavours, particularly rugby. He cherished his family and valued the close bonds he shared with his colleagues.

In June 2022, Kallie’s life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with a brain cyst. He underwent multiple surgeries, faced complications, and spent nearly a year in the hospital. The journey was incredibly challenging for him and his family, but their resilience has been inspiring.

Today, Kallie relies on his family for daily care and support. He’s bedridden, uses a PEG tube for nutrition, and depends on diapers for personal care. Despite these challenges, he has shown remarkable progress in recent months.

Medical professionals remain uncertain about Kallie’s recovery trajectory. While the cyst is no longer active, its impact on Kallie’s life remains significant. The doctors have provided varying scenarios, from full recovery to remaining in his current state.

While the future remains uncertain, your support will help Kallie and his family focus on providing him with the best care and quality family time. The goal is to improve his well-being and offer him a chance at a brighter future.

Kallie’s journey and timeline

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your donations and the goal

the journey to recovery

Here’s how your donations will help Kallie and his family:

Kallie’s journey has been one marked by incredible challenges, both physical and emotional. His family has been his unwavering support system throughout this ordeal. Your support is crucial to help cover the significant costs associated with his ongoing care, specialised nutrition through the PEG tube, mobility aids, and other essential needs. It will also provide Sunet the means to hire a caregiver during the day, allowing their 16-year-old son to resume his education.

Every contribution you make is a lifeline for Kallie and his family, providing them with the financial stability they desperately need in these trying times. Your support not only helps Kallie but also ensures that his family can focus on his recovery and well-being without the added burden of financial stress.


  1. Joe Muller

  2. Jaco Vorster



Top helping hands

Thank you to our top donors.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our top donors, whose exceptional generosity has illuminated the path of hope for Kallie and his family. Your unwavering support and selflessness have made an indelible impact on their lives. With your help, Kallie’s journey to recovery is filled with newfound optimism and opportunities.

Your extraordinary kindness and empathy have not gone unnoticed. You’ve demonstrated the power of compassion and community, and for that, we are deeply grateful. Your contributions are a testament to the strength of human connection and the difference it can make in times of difficulty and uncertainty.

From the GO KALLIE team

  1. Joe Muller

  2. Jaco Vorster


Backed by fio foundation

We’re proud to be backed by Fio Foundation, a Non-Profit Organisation, to ensure every donation is handled with utmost security and integrity. This guarantees that your generous contributions are not only secure but also directly reach Kallie, making a real difference.

Be a part of this cause! With Fio Foundation’s oversight, rest assured that your support is in safe hands and contributes to a meaningful impact.


Thank you for taking the time to read Kallie's inspiring journey.

Your support means the world. Please consider sharing his story or making a contribution to help light the path forward for Kallie and his family.