Physiotherapy Update: 6 November 2023

Mr. Mienie continues to show incredible determination to regain a greater degree of functional capacity with much-improved participation in performing his transfers – on occasion, he has achieved side transfers with only stand-by assistance and some guidance and his assisted standing transfers have become significantly easier due to much-improved capacity on his part to achieve partial standing himself. His tolerance for sitting to standing and minimally supported standing in the parallel bars continues to improve and in the standing frame, he is now able to achieve fully upright standing despite some ongoing tightness of the hamstrings. Due to various circumstances, Mr. Mienie ended up with a break of about 2 weeks during October which did result in a somewhat slower rate of progress but also did not result in regression in his function. To truly achieve his full potential and further reduce the current burden of care on the family, it remains essential that he be able to continue with at least weekly therapy sessions to keep on progressing his activity levels. The family is currently NOT in a position to afford a standingframe nor does he have the capacity to practice active standing at home without this or parallel
bars and as such needs to have access to such facilities regularly.